How to get Prediction for your PNR Number
Railway Information System (CRIS) also keep the information about PNR Prediction status of the passengers, berth availibility, Train arrival time, departure time, Train running status and stations left till the desitation point. With the help of CRIS now passengers can get all information Railway rules like, Reservation Rules, Fares and Fare Refund Rule, Enquiry about the train location in real time.
When a seat or berth reserved for a passenger then detailed information is stored in the database as regards of the passenger like his/her departure and destination point, ticket number with his/her name. As you know PNR Stands for Passensger Name Record so with the name of passenger whole data stored in Center of Railway Information system. All the details are associated with PNR Number or Ticket Number having ten digit number.
PNR number is printed on your ticket. You can check your own status by yourself on your smartphone. In case you have just purchased E-Ticket than it is mentioned in the cells.
Passenger rest of the information like his/her name, gender, age and CNIC sotred in the database. In the databaseĀ because full information is stored about each and every passenger who booked the seat or berth So, in case of non availibility of the seat or berth you can wait for the cancellation of ticket by those passengers who postpone their journey. To check the cancelled ticket you have put an query PNR Predication status. In this way when a passenger cancell his/her ticket than you can buy the ticket. Current status of such tickets alter only when there is availibility of seat or berth due to the cancellation of order. This new current staus named as PNR status.
PRN Prediction will help you out for the chances of getting confirmed tickets. Stay with us to get help as regard of the Indian Railway Enquires.