How to book Circular Journey Ticket & what are its advantages ?
What are the advantages of booking a Circular Journey Ticket?
Circular Journey Tickets give you the benefit of telescopic rates, which are considerably lower than regular point-to-point fare. These rates are calculated on Mail/Express Fares. With these tickets, you not only save time but also the inconvenience of booking tickets for each leg of the journey.
What is the booking procedure for Circular Journey Tickets?
Once your itinerary is finalized, you can approach the Divisional Commercial Managers of the Division or Station Managers of certain major stations to which the journey commencing station belongs. The Divisional Commercial Manager or the station authorities will then calculate the cost of the tickets based on your itinerary. He will also inform the Station Manager concerned of the same, in the prescribed format. You can purchase Circular Journey Tickets by presenting this form at the Booking Office of the station from where you propose to start your
journey. After purchasing the Circular Journey Ticket, you must approach the Reservation Office to reserve your accommodation for various laps of your journey. You will then be issued reserved tickets for the journey.