Why we need help of PNR Status ?

PNR (Passenger Name Record) is a 10 digit code written on top-left corner of a ticket. It is a travel record of an individual or a group of individuals, maintained in CRS (Central Reservation System) database. This code is generated only when the CRS gets full data of journey like passenger’s name, gender, age, train number, journey class, berth preference, contact link, etc. It is a “follow-up” process by which passengers are able to get updates about the status of their journey. This code is of great use to passengers, whose tickets are not confirmed. It helps them to check whether their tickets got confirmed or not.

Check Railway PNR Status

You can check your ticket’ reservation status from our site by inserting PNR number and clicking on the “Get PNR Status” button. This will help you to get current status of your booked ticket. In addition to ticket status, the other details like train name, boarding date, boarding point and your destination will also get displayed. Besides checking status of tickets reserved with IRCTC or Indian railway counter, you can also check train schedule, seat availability, station code, train name and number using this intuitive interface

PNR Status Helpline No.:

Toll Free Number: 1800-111-139 (24 Hours)
Delhi Customer Care Number : 011-39340000
Chennai Customer Care Number : 044-25300000